Sunday, December 9, 2007

This is my blog

OK I admit it, I'm a blogvirgin.
Maybe there's another word that techies have created to describe me: blirgin? Vlogger?
This blog will, I hope, be a place for me to rant, share, meet and have fun.
As my profile says, I was an editorial writer and columnist in a former life.
Newspaper managing editors are expected to be opinionated and to generate thought-provoking, interesting and entertaining and enlightening opinion pieces, and that's what I did for several years while working in newspapers.
Now that I'm in public relations, nobody really wants to hear my opinions, they want me to communicate about their opinions. That's cool, I can do that.
But what about me?

I still like to talk and write about what I think. Hopefully my views are informed and reasoned.
I like to think I have an open mind. Since leaving news and entering academia where diversity is embraced and encouraged, I think my mind has become even more open to others' views and opinions. At least I like to think so. Universities' bases in academic freedom has given me opportunities, almost daily, to hear and experience other viewpoints. I love that about my job.

I still have core beliefs and opinions that I defend and speak to consistently: human life and human rights, the role of government and individual responsibility, parental responsibility, our educational system... as well as the desire and appreciation for excellent entertainment (Top Chef! Project Runway!) and the role of responsible news media (NOT FOX) and advertising and marketing communication because of my profession.

I adore my family and I hope I can share some photos and stories about my life and loved ones and loved-things and maybe I can meet some new friends.

Welcome to my blog!

1 comment:

allison said...

FOX News is not responsible media???? The horror